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27 December 2011

United Islands

On this blog I tell the stories of the nations of Spuro, Bouganvilla, Racao, and Thuristan. If you like fantasy nations but don't enjoy the hustle and bustle of interplanetary politics, these small island nations on a small world may be just right for you. So check out United Islands at

25 December 2011

Several Cenaci Homeless Families Surprised

Kyn Tucin showed up at several homeless shelters on Cenaci and distributed food, clothes, and toys to the families there. Tucin said he had a "commitment to ensuring the welfare of all Cenians". He purchased all items with his own money. 

Merry Christmas!

All people of Ceni celebrate Christmas, or Hrimast in Splak, to spread cheer and give their families many presents.  So have a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  

22 December 2011

Senate Approves Treaty of Waterloo

In a move today the Senate ratified the Treaty of Waterloo 53-52, with 55 abstentions. The Treaty of Waterloo would establish the Universal Pact. However, many senators were unhappy about the 25% of revenue part, and voted no or abstained. Many of the 55 senators who abstained were happy about the rest, but not about the 25% of revenue part.

21 December 2011

Vandals of Cenaci Caught

Multiple vandals who drew graffiti on several buildings as well as toilet-papering trees in parks were caught today. Clinton Asuncion, Guy Steigerwald, and Kurt Schreckengost will be fined around $2500 each and will have to clean up the messes they made. Asuncion, Steigerwald, and Schrekengost's vandalism spree lasted for 6 months and was directed at their enemies at school and liberal-filled government offices. 

17 December 2011

Age Structure

Under 18: 17%
18-25: 18%
25-45: 29%
45-72: 12%
Over 72: 25%

Economic Stats #2

GDP: $17,150,000,000,000,000,000
GDP per Capita: $113,696
Inflation Rate: 1.36%

Age, Sex, and Population Stats

Median Age: 47
Sex Ratio: 1.08 men/ 1 woman
Fertility Rate: 2.89 children per woman
Obesity: 3.6%
Literacy Rate: 100%

16 December 2011

Religion Population

Native Monotheism100
Native Polytheism100

Language Speakers

Cenian Basic56407

Physician and Education Stats

  • Physician Density: 3.32/1000 people
  • Hospital Bed Density: 50/1000 people
  • Clean Drinking Water Source: 99%
  • Sanitation Facility Access: 100%
  • Education Life Span: 15.3 years

Economic Stats #1

  • Unemployment Rate- 7%
  • Labor Force- 88,131,000,000,000
  • Discount Rate- 3.25%
  • Commercial Bank Prime Lending Rate- 5.75%

Religions in Ceni

  • Adbarism- Believes in the teachings of Adbare and the existence of the god Lenteru
  • Melinism-Believes in Lenteru but only the Seven Scriptures of Holiness of Adbare
  • Norientism- Teachings of the prophet Norientena and the god Lunmoikon
  • Ramraitsats- Believes in the Queen of Angels Raimrats
  • Native Monotheism- Believes in a native god
  • Ik'arenism- Believes in the Katte pantheon of gods headaed by Ik'aren
  • Kraum- Believes in the twelve gods who created Ceni and influence it
  • Raiathooch- Believes in the two gods Askrast and Iskrast who reincarnate do-gooders
  • Borinism- Believes in the Sutchalect pantheon and the underworld divided into sections for the good, the bad, and the people in the middle
  • Native Polytheism- Believes in native gods
  • Atheism- Believes in no god
  • Agnosticism- Believes that religion is bad
  • Rinaipism- Believes in bad luck and good luck caused by the demon Rinaip
  • Spiritism- Believes in spirits causing all troubles and boons
  • Philosophical- Believes in the philosophies of one person
  • Animist- Believes that animals contain spirits
  • Mokaimism- Believes in the spiritual unity of all Cenians
  • Unaffiliated- Religious but not affiliated with any one religion
  • None- Does not believe in a religion
  • Traditional- Believes in traditional religions
  • Other- Many minor religions

13 December 2011

Runoff Results

Marred with conservatives molesting voters to vote for Shadow B'betsy, Kyn Tucin won the runoff with 53% to 47%, a close vote. Conservatives voted for Shadow B'betsy but ultimately the former king won. He won on a platform of economic stability and no war with Waterloo unless we are attacked first. 

10 December 2011

Species Population

Holy Wolfe8030

Election Results

The election results are here. Kyn Tucin got 40%, Shadow B'betsy got 30%, and Kartot Tarat and Nikolai Zacharakis both got 15%. The runoff between Kyn Tucin and Shadow B'betsy will be on Monday 12. 

08 December 2011

Election Update

After around 40% of the votes have been counted Kyn Tucin is in the lead with 43%. Shadow B'betsy is in a close second with 29%. Kartot Tarat won 14% and Nicholai Zacharakis also won 14%. Kyn Tucin is expected to win but without enough to carry him to the Chancellor's office without a runoff. 

07 December 2011

Cenian Election

The election for Chancellor will be tommorrow, Thursday 8 and Friday 9, and the runoffs will be Monday 12.

"Spic and Span and Spank with Kartot Tarat"

  • War w/Waterloo: Only if we are attacked
  • Crime: More police
  • Economy/taxes: Decreased taxes, less taxes for rich and corporations, create jobs
  • Defense budget: Buy best blasters
  • Health care: Build more hospitals, everyone pays for own plan
  • Education: Better schools, short week, longer days, less test-oriented
  • Social policy: Increased Social Security
  • Immigration: Only allowed with ID
  • Voter ID: Strict voter ID laws
  • Gay/lesbian policy: Not allowed
  • Abortion: Pro-life

06 December 2011

Coup d'Etat Fails

A coup d'etat on Kyn Tucin by Allan Debord has failed. Troops loyal to Tucin smashed the coup by Dictatorship Party Members. Former Jacobian leader Darcy Odwyer brought in a regiment of Jacobian troops but they were arrested at the border crossing or were stunned on Cenaci and brought in for questioning. Allan Debord was arrested by police forces and will no longer be running in the election for chancellor on charges of treason. The coup was highly disorganized and the aim was to overthrow Kyn Tucin to set up a Dictatorship Party regime. The Dictatorship Party is highly unpopular. 

05 December 2011

"Friendly and Flourishing with Nikolai Zacharakis and John Youngblood"

  • War w/ Waterloo:Peace and love
  • Crime:More patrols, jail, punishment fit for the crime, pro-death penalty
  • Economy/Taxes: Taxes fit to income, , payroll tax cut, subsidies for job creators, decrease poverty
  • Defense budget:Increased for defense only, new warships, new recruits, new gear
  • Health Care: 15% subsidy, universal system, more hospitals, better hospitals, more clinics, better clinics
  • Education: More teachers, better teachers, more schools, better schools, more universities, better universities
  • Social Policy:Increased Social Security, more aid to homeless people, well structured homes for all
  • Immigration: Less strict laws, streamlined entry, encourage immigration, make requirements less for poor people, heavy searches on all foreigners 
  • Abortion: Pro-choice
  • Gay/lesbian policy: No position
  • Voter ID: No ID needed
  • Other: Protect endangered species, give endangered species listings faster, 3Rs are law, spur technological development, spur military development, spur cultural development, spur financial development

04 December 2011

Protesters Demonstrate Against Dictatorship Party

Protestors on Cenaci, Katinal, Michosplak, Klero, Illirea, and other planets are demonstrating against the Dictatorship Party, which favors no individual rights, limitations in voting, higher taxes for 'peasants', and no elections in favor for a dictator. Currently, 460 billion people are protesting the Dictatorship Party, although that number will certainly grow. The protests started with 120 billion. Th protests have been going on for 4 days.

"Mature and Educated with Shadow B'betsy and Lando Calpandian"

  • War w/ Waterloo: No
  • Crime: Rehab not jail
  • Economy/taxes: Higher taxes for rich and corporations, decrease poverty, hiring incentives
  • Defense budget: Increased for defense only, pay for better training
  • Health Care: Universal system, better hospitals, 10% subsidy
  • Education: Better schools, more universities, revamp curriculum, train high schoolers for needed jobs
  • Social Policy: Increased Social Security
  • Immigration: Less strict laws
  • Abortion: Pro-choice
  • Voter ID- No ID needed
  • Other: Promote 3Rs

03 December 2011

"Sophisticated and Financially Secure Ceni with Tucin and Dickson"

  • War w/ Waterloo:Only if we are attacked first
  • Crime:More patrols, rehab not jail
  • Economy/Taxes: Higher Taxes for rich and corporations, buy back debt, payroll tax cut, subsidies for job creators, decrease poverty
  • Defense budget:Increased for defense only, new warships
  • Health Care: 12% subsidy, universal system, better hospitals
  • Education: More teachers, better teachers, better schools, more universities
  • Social Policy:Increased Social Security, more aid to homeless people
  • Immigration: Less strict laws, streamlined entry, encourage immigration, make requirements less for poor people
  • Abortion: Pro-choice
  • Gay/lesbian policy: No position
  • Voter ID: No ID needed
  • Other: Protect endangered species, give endangered species listings faster, promote  3Rs, spur technological development

02 December 2011

Dictatorship Party Formed

The Dictatorship Party was formed today by radical conservative Allan 'Colonel Blimp' Debord. It promotes dictatorship, anarchy, no civil rights, and disease. Mr. Debord promises that if he is elected, he will not have any more elections and will become dictator for life. Anyone who criticizes him under his rule will be executed. 

30 November 2011

3 Polls

One poll shows Kyn Tucin in the lead, with 50%, with 10% for Shadow B'betsy, 30% for Kartot Tarat, and 0% for Nikolai Zacharakis and Allan Debord. Another one shows Kyn Tucin and Shadow B'betsy tied, with 33% each. Allan Debord got 7% and Nikolai Zacharakis and Kartot Tarat both got 13%. A last poll shows Kyn Tucin with 40%, Shadow B'betsy with 24%, Allan Debord with 4%, Nikolai Zacharakis with 8%, and Kartot Tarat with 20%.

28 November 2011

Candidates for Cenian Chancellorship

The candidates are:

  • Kyn Tucin, running mate Luke Dickson, Cenian Social Liberal Party
  • Shadow B'betsy, running mate Lando Calpandian, Cenian Social Liberal Party
  • Nikolai Zacharakis, running mate John Youngblood, Elephant Party, Appeasement Party
  • Kartot Tarat, running mate Fransisco dos Santos, Cenian Conservative Party
  • Allan Debord, unknown running mate, Cenian Conservative Party, Appeasement Party

27 November 2011

Cenian Soldier Treatment

I am sorry, Mr. Smith (a name chosen to preserve secrecy of his own name), that the conditions were horrible as described in this interview. These conditions are there, however rare, and the Cenian Department of Defense issued this statement: "We offer our condolences to the families of soldiers killed in the war against the Jato terrorist group. The actions of the officers were not sanctioned by the Cenian Assembly or the Department of Defense, and we will rectify the problem. The officers acted on his own accord. Cenian policy states that you do not kill unarmed women and children but however you may kill women and children that are in open hostile acts against you, i.e. trying to shoot you. We admire the bravery of Mr. Smith and will promote him to Colonel for his efforts to undermine acts of cruelty. All other soldiers of that battalion will be posthumously promoted to Captain, or if Captain before to Lt.Colonel. The officers responsible will be posthumously demoted to Sergeant. "

Waterloo Soldier Mutiny

Q: Why did you mutiny from the Waterloo Army, Mr. Ruthfalme?
A: The officers there were promoted because of loyalty to the Emperor. We were fighting the Cenian Army Recon Division. They ordered us into a hail of fire but when I questioned their orders they beat me to the pulp. They ordered my comrades into a minefield, as well.  We were not equipped for battle in swamps. We also were not issued with food or water, just money. We were tired and thirsty. Lots of other soldiers were facing the same fate, too, so we organized a mutiny.
Q: Did the mutiny work?
A:Yes, the officers were defeated because they had no military training, they just knew how to follow orders and no orders were given about mutiny.
Q: What will you and your fellow mutineers do now?
A: We will join the Cenian Army, to help defend liberty and stop other Waterlooians from doing the same thing.

Thank you.

Your welcome. 

A Talk With Shadow B'betsy

Q. A Waterloo news source has says you have taken bribes and have been executed. Of course this is not rue, as I am speaking with you. Will you please share your thoughts about this post?
A. [I am angry that a Waterlooian source would tell lies about me. This is just propaganda designed to scare Cenian citizens into fervor for Waterloo. I would not kill Kyn Tucin and would not take bribes.]
Q. What do you have to say about Waterloo's legal system?
A. [Clearly the legal system in Waterloo is flawed, with no appeals process for death row inmates. I say their legal system is just a way to shepherd their enemies to prison or the death row. Their punishments are draconian and would violate Article 9 of the Cenian Constitution, if it applied to Waterloo, which, sadly, it doesn't.]

Who Wrote the Constitution?

Kyn Tucin doesn't break the constitution, he wrote it. If you are not mistaken, the Cenian Constitution only applies to areas under Cenian jurisdiction. Waterloo is not under Cenian jurisdiction. If Waterloo has free speech laws, the Consul Demetrius has free speech. The United States' constitutional protections do not apply to Thai citizens, except when visiting the US. If the Cenian Constitution applies to Waterloo, then the massacre of Lojan terrorist supporters would be ruled unconstitutional under Article 13. He says that Kyn Tucin is racist by saying in Article 35 that only natural-born Cenian citizens and citizens born to Cenian parents abroad can be chancellor. Notice that the Cenian Constitution was based on the US Constitution, and the US Constitution says the exact same thing, except for one difference: "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; "
However, you need to be aware of proper demonyms. A Cenian is a) a member of the Cenian species b) someone who lives on Cenaci c) someone who lives in the Cenaci sector d) someone who lives in Ceni
So only someone who lives in Ceni and is a natural born citizen or someone born to Cenian parents who were citizens abroad can be Chancellor. A Katte such as Shadow B'betsy would have no constitutional trouble getting to be Chancellor. I haven't heard anyone saying that the Founding Fathers were racist.

26 November 2011

Farmlands Sectors Population


New Total Population                    150,841
(Population in billions)

New Senate Seats

Cenian Social Liberal Party-78(48.45%)
Cenian Conservative Party-38(23.60%)
Cenian Central Party-23(14.29%)
Elephanthian Liberal Party-15(9.32%)
Scorpian Liberal Party-5(3.11%)

Kyn Tucin's Speech to the Cenian Assembly

"A wise man once said 'One who gives up liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserves neither and loses both.'
"What I am asking you, Assemblypeople, is to choose between choosing our own leaders or having someone else choosing them for us. To give up our say in OUR government for peace only to face more demands in the future, or to war to protect our sovereignty and to defend the liberties of our people.
"Do we need a nanny? NO! Do we need a babysitter? NO! Do we need another country standing behind our backs and messing in our internal affairs? NO!
"Although you might observe this speech as a selfish one, it is not. I just want to preserve Ceni as a sovereign nation, not a vassal state or a suzerainty of another nation, one with no guarantees of liberties, one with no chance for the people to decide how its government is run.
"Behind my back the call me 'Kyn Tucin the Awful.' I do not care what they think about me! I don't run the country like it is my own personal domain.  The people elected me to serve my country, not my country to serve me.
"While the senate might send many men to their deaths in this decision, those lives will not be spent in vain. Their lives will be spent on a greater cause, one of liberty, freedom, and democracy. Shall we have peace now and war in the future, or war now and war in the future? Shall I give up my office to appease these warlords temporarily, or shall I keep my office and fight. Shall we 'hire' these people as our nanny, or shall we fight to remove this scourge from the galaxy?
"For every man that dies, 10 men will be saved, and 100 will have a life of  freedom.
"Over there, their decisions are made for them. Over there, their life is the government and the government is their life. Over there the only dream they are allowed to have is one of having the entire galaxy under their dominion. Shall we bring there over to here, or shall we keep here the way it is?
"The choice I am asking you to make, Senators and Assemblypeople, is for me to give up my office, the liberty of our people to choose our leaders for a little peace, temporary safety from war or to go to war now when war is inevitable late.
"So please make your choice. Liberty or a little temporary safety.
"I will step down or stay in office as the Senate votes.
"Ceni vivat!
 Cancellarius Vivat!
 Vivat libertas populi nostri!"

Does He Lie?

He does not lie when he says the newspaper spread lies about Kyn Tucin. It was true. Unless the newspaper can prove that Kyn Tucin did order a fanatical Cenian to remove Comsnet material, it will be true.

Also, Kyn Tucin is definently not feeble or fat. He is able to stand up for his nation and his BMI is in normal range for a Cenian.

25 November 2011

Another Rebuttal

A rebuttal to a rebuttal.

1a. says the definition of a 'racist' is a person who believes in racismthe doctrine that a certain human race  is superior to any or all others. Kyn Tucin does not believe that Cenians are inherently superior to all other species. While it is true that Article 2 of the Cenian Constitution states that  "Any sector, planetary, or national government may not make a law banning or limiting the freedoms of speech, association, or petition. Moreover, these rights shall not be abolished or limited at time of war or at any time", Consul Demetrius is not a Cenian citizen and those freedoms do not apply to him except when he is visiting Ceni when those laws apply to him. states that the definition of slander is defamation; calumny: rumors full of slander; a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: slander against his good name.; Law defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing,pictures, etc. Consul Demetrius did tell lies about Kyn Tucin, therefore slander is not protected by the Cenian Constitution.
2a.Simply not true. If he feels like citing the Cenian Constitution, then he must look at Article 13 which states that the death penalty is abolished.
2b.Kyn Tucin does not order people to kill, the Cenian Assembly declares war and it is the only body authorized to do so, as stated by Article 73 of the Constitution.
2c. The Cenian Assembly controls the purse strings. It is not Kyn Tucin's fault if the Cenian Assembly decides to do otherwise with taxpayer's money. Also note that Ceni has a generous social program and spends liberally on homeless people.
3a.No rebuttal needed. 
4a.We did not insult the Waterloo government nor the states the definition of insult is to treat or speak to insolently or with contemptuous rudeness; affront;to affect as an affront; offend or demean.; Archaic to attack; assault. In both posts, we were just stating the truth.
4ba. That could be true; however I wonder what that has to do with 'Blaming us for Terrorist Attacks'.
4bb.No rebuttal
5a.We would punish appropriately armed men after a trial for terrorism or on the spot for hostile actions toward Cenian forces but however we would not execute women, children, or the elderly. 

24 November 2011

Kyn Tucin Sues Demetrius for Slander

Kyn Tucin sued Waterloo politician Demetrius for slander in Federal Court on Cenaci. He says calling him a 'savage, barbarian, cruel hearted, murderer ' is damaging to his reputation and that he is not any of those things. He demands $25 billion and attorneys fees. The case will be tried in several months.

To counter Mr.Demetrius' accusations he says this:

  1. says a savage is, as a noun, is a : an uncivilized human being ; a fierce, brutal, or cruel person; a rude, boorish person; a member of a preliterate society. He is definitively not a human or a member of a preliterate society. He is not rude, say his closest friends. He does not attack his neighbors for the sake of attacking, he does not torture his enemies, and he does not order his soldiers to brutally kill his enemies.
  2. says a barbarian is a a person in a savage, primitive state; uncivilized person; a person without culturerefinement, or education;philistine; (loosely) a foreigner. Mr. Demetrius did not do his research; he may be a foreigner to Waterloo, but he is not a foreigner to Ceni. He is not savage (as described above), nor is he primitive or uncivilized, nor does he lack culture, refinement, and education,
  3. says a cruel-hearted person is someone with out kindness and compassion. Kyn Tucin donates 15% of his income to charity and refrains from attacking enemies; he is too peaceful.
  4. Kyn Tucin would NEVER, EVER commit murder. He is too soft-hearted to do that. He cares for the lives of others. l