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25 November 2011

Another Rebuttal

A rebuttal to a rebuttal.

1a. says the definition of a 'racist' is a person who believes in racismthe doctrine that a certain human race  is superior to any or all others. Kyn Tucin does not believe that Cenians are inherently superior to all other species. While it is true that Article 2 of the Cenian Constitution states that  "Any sector, planetary, or national government may not make a law banning or limiting the freedoms of speech, association, or petition. Moreover, these rights shall not be abolished or limited at time of war or at any time", Consul Demetrius is not a Cenian citizen and those freedoms do not apply to him except when he is visiting Ceni when those laws apply to him. states that the definition of slander is defamation; calumny: rumors full of slander; a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: slander against his good name.; Law defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing,pictures, etc. Consul Demetrius did tell lies about Kyn Tucin, therefore slander is not protected by the Cenian Constitution.
2a.Simply not true. If he feels like citing the Cenian Constitution, then he must look at Article 13 which states that the death penalty is abolished.
2b.Kyn Tucin does not order people to kill, the Cenian Assembly declares war and it is the only body authorized to do so, as stated by Article 73 of the Constitution.
2c. The Cenian Assembly controls the purse strings. It is not Kyn Tucin's fault if the Cenian Assembly decides to do otherwise with taxpayer's money. Also note that Ceni has a generous social program and spends liberally on homeless people.
3a.No rebuttal needed. 
4a.We did not insult the Waterloo government nor the states the definition of insult is to treat or speak to insolently or with contemptuous rudeness; affront;to affect as an affront; offend or demean.; Archaic to attack; assault. In both posts, we were just stating the truth.
4ba. That could be true; however I wonder what that has to do with 'Blaming us for Terrorist Attacks'.
4bb.No rebuttal
5a.We would punish appropriately armed men after a trial for terrorism or on the spot for hostile actions toward Cenian forces but however we would not execute women, children, or the elderly. 

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